Vocal Pedagogy

5 Ways to Address Health in Singing

For most of my life, I boiled health in singing down to vocal technique. I figured that if I could perfect my vocal technique and learn how to protect my voice from any damage, I would be able to book work and have confidence in my voice. I knew my body’s my...

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Health in Singing

Health in Singing

I’ve heard many messages as a woman in society about who I should be, but none has been as loud or effected me more deeply than the message that I’m meant to be cared for by a man.

Before we tattoo “shoulds” on the hearts of the next generation, maybe what we should do is discover who we are. There is space in the human race for us in all our wild beauty. We can be whoever we want to be and we can have whatever we want to have.

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Fach the System

Fach the System

Have you heard of the fach system before? If not, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, but by the end of this blog post, you will. If you know your fach, I'd love to hear your thoughts! DM me on Instagram! If not, you may recognize these references:...

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The Moment I Fell in Love with Teaching Voice

The Moment I Fell in Love with Teaching Voice

I love teaching voice. It is one of my passions in life. Watching students grasp new concepts and find more freedom in their singing lights me up like nothing else. If you're a teacher and you're reading this, I trust you can relate. This is the story of how I...

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My Top 5 Vocal Pedagogy Book Recommendations

My Top 5 Vocal Pedagogy Book Recommendations

Vocal Pedagogy books are an AMAZING tool to learn more about your voice. They are a great place to learn about the science of singing and familiarize yourself with the vocabulary you will likely hear as a singer. These books do NOT take the place of a private voice...

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3 Ways Upper Body Exercise Affects Your Singing ??

3 Ways Upper Body Exercise Affects Your Singing ??

Sometimes, I think upper body exercise gets a bad rap among singers. I understand why because there’s a huge fear of neck tension and postural issues due to upper body work, but it doesn’t have to be all bad! Here are 3 ways (both good and not as good) that upper body...

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10 Tips for Singers to Stay Healthy this Season

10 Tips for Singers to Stay Healthy this Season

A cold or flu can knock you out for days…possibly even weeks! As a performer, this is problematic for a lot of reasons. 1. You can’t sing when you’re sick. 2. You don’t get paid when you’re sick. 3. Some directors won’t cast you again if you miss enough rehearsals...

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