What Has Been Saving My Life During the Pandemic

Nov 4, 2020 | Lifestyle

Health in singing layered over hal leaonard singer's musical theatre anthologies with music notes in the corner

This year has been HARD. I don’t think anyone is debating that. We’re all feeling the weight of this year, and my goal today is to share with you what I’ve been doing to stay as positive as possible through everything.

1. Taking voice lessons.
Continuing to train even though I don’t have auditions to go to has honestly been really hard. I’m a person who is motivated by having a goal to achieve. But singing also brings me so much joy and is a form of self care, so I’ve continued training. When I step into MY voice lessons, I feel so free. Honestly, it’s become self care. My goals are different now. I’m working more on music I just love singing rather than music for specific auditions. But making sure this in my schedule has helped me so much this year.

2. Taking dance classes.
Before everything shut down, I had resumed taking dance classes for the first time in 3 years. I was growing and having so much fun, and I was devastated when I realized I couldn’t go into the studio anymore for class. But I started taking some online classes and practicing at home. Dancing more has allowed me to practice more self expression and release a lot of anxiety and stress. 

3. Journaling.
Have I mentioned before that I LOVE journaling?! Journalling is AMAZING for working through mental and emotional blocks and keeping a positive mindset. I’ve been taking time everyday to write down things I’m thankful for as well as write out my frustrations. Journals are a great place to vent.

4. Painting.
This is a new hobby I’ve picked up in quarantine. I’ve been afraid of painting for a long time because I thought I wouldn’t be good at it, but I’ve learned that I actually love it. Painting is therapeutic and it challenges me in new ways. And I’ve learned I’m actually decent at it!

5. Reading fiction books.
For the past several years, I have found myself mostly reading non-fiction books about faith, personal development, and business strategy. While I love the information in many of these books, there is nothing like sitting down with a great fiction story that transports me to another world. I realized that as valuable as non-fiction books are, my creativity is fueled by reading stories. I LOVE getting sucked into a fantasy world where I encounter strange creatures and suspenseful adventures. Reading these kinds of books results in me being a better writer and a more expressive and creative person. Plus it’s a nice escape from the problems currently facing us in 2020.

I recently signed up for Book of the Month so I can get a new fiction book each month, and I’m so excited. If you want to look into it, I do have a referral link where you can get your first month for $5. If you’re interested, you can check it out HERE.

I hope you are in good spirits today. I hope you are healthy and safe. And I want to know, what has been saving YOUR life during the pandemic?


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